Sidetracked again! Against all my own rules, I recently subscribed to Reason+ because I just couldn’t resist trying out the Objekt synth (used in a couple of my previous posts). One of the things that really hooked me into the idea of using it was the ability to route in my microphone or premade sample as an external source to “excite” the physical model and influence the sound in real-time creating truly one-of-a-kind sounds. So I decided to play around with that this morning.

Took a while for me to get used to using Reason in Logic but after a little reading it’s actually pretty simple to route cables around the back of the rack to connect up whatever modules you’re using. This is a really simplistic setup for this bit using a Combinator rack element to house Objekt, the Grain Sample Manipulator running into Objekt’s external input, and the Dual Arpeggiator set up with a fast moving high arp and a slower moving low register arp. The Grain Sample Manipulator is playing a sample of me saying random words and looping it in a forward->backward sequence. This is the result!

Alien Engineering Section