An amateur experimental composer

Month: May 2022

Ideas from friends are fun

Had a conversation yesterday with a friend who I’d sent one of my works in progress to and the topic shifted to what would the music in a post-apocalyptic gift shop sound like? I guess I don’t really know but I tried…

No effects added yet but I’ll probably put some Digitalis distortion on it to give it a more hellish electronic sound.

A big day!

Today I became the owner of both Linnstrument models! My brand new 128 arrived and I’m ecstatic with it. It fits perfectly in my backpack so it’s the travel companion I’d hoped it would be. Now back to noodling around with Audio Lunacy’s CUBE and the new Linn!

Another night of distraction by an incredible plugin

I had full intentions to continue working on a piece I’d started a couple of days ago, but in true “me” fashion another new plugin has diverted me. Earlier today I saw a tweet about AudioModern’s new FREE plugin, PanFlow. Owning all of their paid plugins I was extremely interested… so I downloaded immediately. And as I thought I would be, I was totally blown away by the simplistic complexity and power of this plugin. I’d been reading and learning alot about the use of the stereo space but had sort of struggled with actually implementing a serious solution. The closest I’d gotten was mapping the Y axis of my Linnstrument to panning and controlling the stereo position of the patch I was using manually. It worked well and still will, but this plugin… wow. This is the real deal – a plugin that will get used a LOT on my tracks. Part of me wishes it wasn’t free so I could at least give them some money for a tool I know I will be using often. Here’s something I’d been working on not long ago with PanFlow on the backing piano and violin tracks – it’s totally changed the overall sound in a fantastic way.

Been a long few days

Been a bit tied up with personal life things the last few days and haven’t spent as much time with music as I’d have liked. But, out of the woods now. Just received a shipping notice for my 2nd Linnstrument arriving this coming Friday! Very excited to have both my existing 200 and the incoming 128. The smaller model I’m planning to use in my mobile iPad setup and probably a bit when I’m being lazy and wanting to sit in my comfortable recliner and play.

In other news, picked up another Cherry Audio synth today – Memorymode. Another 80s analog throwback synth that’ll go well with the lo-fi plugins I’ve been using a lot lately. Nothing quite as much fun as taking the super clean sound of 80s synths and destroying it! Hopefully I’ll have something to post tomorrow evening.

Tonight’s work in progress

So I’ve been playing with Spitfire Audio’s Intimate Grand Piano and Baby Audio’s Super VHS plugin and this is what I’ve come up with tonight. I think this will be worked into my upcoming album after I add a bit more accompaniment to the solo piano track.

Another Day Another Plugin

Why can I not resist these plugin sales? Was it a mistake to follow Plugin Deals? You know, thinking about it, I’m going to say no. The more I think about it, there are a few reasons I can’t resist. More tools in the arsenal is never a bad thing. Some of the sales are so good they shouldn’t be resisted because they’re a win-win. Supporting independent developers while building up my toolset is a great thing for everyone. Buying plugins and instruments helps ensure that more will be developed – and with the incredible stuff that’s been coming from these devs I can’t wait to see what the future holds.

Tonight I’ll be playing around with two things I picked up today – Spitfire Audio’s Intimate Grand Piano and Baby Audio’s Super VHS plugin. If I come up with anything interesting I’ll make another post here tonight 🙂

Works in progress

Following up on the release of my first patch for AudioThing’s “Noises” plugin yesterday, I have two more patches recorded that I need to do some trimming and cleanup on. One patch I’m not sure if I’ll actually release since I’m not really happy with it, but the other is sounding pretty good! I spent a bit of time recording in a mechanical room and putting those sounds into Noises produces a serious Nightmare On Elm Street boiler room vibe. Something about the cold, dark, sinister metallic sound of machinery feels really compelling. Hopefully I’ll have it worked out in the next couple weeks!

My first free downloadable pack “HVAC” for AudioThing’s “Noises” plugin!

Hi everyone! Today I’m releasing my first (but definitely not the last) free downloadable noise pack for AudioThing & Hainbach’s “Noises” plugin! This pack consists of 7 field recordings of various HVAC noises including a dying ceiling intake, an exhaust vent in a marble-tiled room, a small high-powered floor fan, and more. The 8th recording in the set is a metal spoon being pushed around a ceramic bowl by a stream of water from a faucet for a little shrill color in the mix.

Dark and droning wind noises make for really interesting trips at various speeds and pitches. Check it out in action:

Download the pack here:

For installation instructions or to find out more about the incredible Noises plugin:

And finally big shout to Hainbach for his incredible work that changed my musical direction with one of my very favorite plugins!

Keep your eyes here for more packs coming soon!


Welcome to Negligible Noise! I’m an amateur musician and sound designer finally really learning to create my own music. I don’t have any definitive timelines at the moment but I’ll be using this blog to track my own progress and post things I’m working on. I have an album in the works based partly on a demo album I made back in 1998 when all I had was a Roland XP-10 keyboard and a Windows 95 computer with SoundForge. Amazing how times have changed!

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