An amateur experimental composer

Month: September 2023

Short Transition Piece

Didn’t have a lot of time tonight but managed to put together a brief transition piece for the demo album rework. Pretty simple thing using a Reason Rack pad and a patch from Cherry Audio’s Harmonia.

Untitled Transition

Also got a good way into cataloging the demos I’ve put together over the last couple of years making a list of pieces for my upcoming first album. There’s a lot more usable stuff in here than I would have thought. Maybe I need to be a little less self-critical!

Another Remake Bit

Took a shot at working up another piece of the remake. This one is pretty much in the middle of the longer piece. First pass at a lead part isn’t too bad probably one or two off notes I can work around.

Imperfect Movement (v1)

Had some trouble with the mixdown when I was exporting. Weird static at the very beginning I think caused by one of the instruments glitching. Doing the export in real time seems to have fixed it.

More demo bits

Slowly making some headway on this remake project. The centerpiece track of the original album was about 14ish minutes so re-doing it bit by bit to stitch back together later is proving to be a big challenge. This piece is a pass at a piano interlude I fumbled pretty badly back then. This one is a far better forgery!

Thought Processes (v1)

A little shorter than the original that rambled on way too long for a transition between two more upbeat/louder parts. Pretty happy with this pass at it 🙂

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