An amateur experimental composer

Tag: Linnstrument (Page 2 of 2)

90 minute challenge (day 2)

Back again today for my second 90 minute challenge of the week. I’ve decided I’m going to shoot for 3 of these every week and possibly if time allows an additional 90 minute tweak challenge where I go back to the tracks I’ve made that week and see if I can improve one or more.

This one started as an attempt to combine playing an expressive patch using the Expressive E Touche SE paddle combined with a 1/2 bar automated path cycling between two additional effects. Solaris GTS guitar and descending bass parts were added afterward.

Wander On (v1)

This was a tough track to bounce and took me a few tries to realize I’d overdone it on the panning effects that were causing weird issues!

Been a while… again (90 minute challenge, day 1)

Chasing The Vapor Trail (v1)

Was talking to an old friend of mine yesterday about our approaches to music and he was telling me about how he was trying out these time-limited challenges so I thought I’d try it out. Gave myself 90 minutes tonight to come up with something and I’m kinda surprised this seems sorta workable into something. Pay no mind to my first-take guitar solo its very mid and I didn’t have time to try a few more stabs at it and the end is a bit abrupt as I was running up against the time limit.

I’m thinking I’ll take another 90 minute block to polish this up (needs mixing) and give it a proper ending so I can slot it into a longer piece down the road.

I never thought of myself as a composer

Its something I’d never considered. Many years ago when I created my demo album it was an attempt at a culmination of a dream of making my own music. It wasn’t good. Queue the mantra: I wish I knew then what I know now. And I don’t know much, but I’m learning. Stumbling into some incredible composition tools has shifted my perspective on how I can make music. The track I’m including here is a combination of composed piano and parts I played with my Linnstrument. I’ve really surprised myself with how far I’ve come in less than six months. It’s not something that can stand up to the artists I’ve been learning from, but for me it’s important.

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