An amateur experimental composer

Tag: composition

Another Remake Bit

Took a shot at working up another piece of the remake. This one is pretty much in the middle of the longer piece. First pass at a lead part isn’t too bad probably one or two off notes I can work around.

Imperfect Movement (v1)

Had some trouble with the mixdown when I was exporting. Weird static at the very beginning I think caused by one of the instruments glitching. Doing the export in real time seems to have fixed it.

More demo bits

Slowly making some headway on this remake project. The centerpiece track of the original album was about 14ish minutes so re-doing it bit by bit to stitch back together later is proving to be a big challenge. This piece is a pass at a piano interlude I fumbled pretty badly back then. This one is a far better forgery!

Thought Processes (v1)

A little shorter than the original that rambled on way too long for a transition between two more upbeat/louder parts. Pretty happy with this pass at it 🙂

Lead added!

Didn’t expect to actually be happy with my first pass as playing a lead over last night’s backing track but I think I pulled it off. Pretty satisfied with how it turned out – my playing is actually improving somewhat. Only minimal corrections to a couple of slightly early/late notes 🙂

Part 2-ish take 2

Now if I could only get part one to work! Job for another day or six.

Happy Accident

Didn’t start out to make a happier bit, I swear. Playing around trying to learn more about Objekt and the weird chime instrument just happened out of nowhere so I figured I’d try to do something with it. Couple breaks in there to add a lead at some point but I’m pretty happy with it as-is. Definitely including it somewhere.

Flat Chimera (v1)

No Sleeptime

A recent bout with insomnia that dragged on for weeks made me think about an anti-lullaby that would keep you awake instead of helping you get to sleep. Took a nice bell chime sound and distorted it to make it slightly discordant. Bit waivers back and forth between maybe relaxing and more aggro. Definitely like the way it’s going!

No Sleeptime (v1)

Another 90 Minutes

Decided to take a break from all the experimental stuff and do something more straightforward. A bit of composing and playing this kinda simple thing. I don’t typically use a lot of drums but this kinda worked out nicely. Will likely go back to it tomorrow or the next day and play with adding some kind of lead to it.

Dusty Roads (v1) (no lead)

One of these things is not like the other… (90mc day 3)

Third 90 minute challenge is in the can and sounding bad! 😛 Truth be told I wasn’t as focused as I was trying to be. Got off to an interesting start composing the acoustic guitar part which I think turned out decently. Then I got into the vocal bits and there’s way more work getting them to sound right than I originally thought so my brain was spent by the time I stopped tinkering.

The intro bit doesn’t fit at all but I like the way it sounds so it’ll probably wind up being used somewhere else. I left a gap at the beginning to fill in later and after frying the last of my energy on the vocal part I noodled with a couple synths and the first 10 seconds are what ended up coming out of it.

Open Letter To Yesterday (v. -1)

Been a while… again (90 minute challenge, day 1)

Chasing The Vapor Trail (v1)

Was talking to an old friend of mine yesterday about our approaches to music and he was telling me about how he was trying out these time-limited challenges so I thought I’d try it out. Gave myself 90 minutes tonight to come up with something and I’m kinda surprised this seems sorta workable into something. Pay no mind to my first-take guitar solo its very mid and I didn’t have time to try a few more stabs at it and the end is a bit abrupt as I was running up against the time limit.

I’m thinking I’ll take another 90 minute block to polish this up (needs mixing) and give it a proper ending so I can slot it into a longer piece down the road.

I never thought of myself as a composer

Its something I’d never considered. Many years ago when I created my demo album it was an attempt at a culmination of a dream of making my own music. It wasn’t good. Queue the mantra: I wish I knew then what I know now. And I don’t know much, but I’m learning. Stumbling into some incredible composition tools has shifted my perspective on how I can make music. The track I’m including here is a combination of composed piano and parts I played with my Linnstrument. I’ve really surprised myself with how far I’ve come in less than six months. It’s not something that can stand up to the artists I’ve been learning from, but for me it’s important.

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