An amateur experimental composer

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Another night of distraction by an incredible plugin

I had full intentions to continue working on a piece I’d started a couple of days ago, but in true “me” fashion another new plugin has diverted me. Earlier today I saw a tweet about AudioModern’s new FREE plugin, PanFlow. Owning all of their paid plugins I was extremely interested… so I downloaded immediately. And as I thought I would be, I was totally blown away by the simplistic complexity and power of this plugin. I’d been reading and learning alot about the use of the stereo space but had sort of struggled with actually implementing a serious solution. The closest I’d gotten was mapping the Y axis of my Linnstrument to panning and controlling the stereo position of the patch I was using manually. It worked well and still will, but this plugin… wow. This is the real deal – a plugin that will get used a LOT on my tracks. Part of me wishes it wasn’t free so I could at least give them some money for a tool I know I will be using often. Here’s something I’d been working on not long ago with PanFlow on the backing piano and violin tracks – it’s totally changed the overall sound in a fantastic way.

Another Day Another Plugin

Why can I not resist these plugin sales? Was it a mistake to follow Plugin Deals? You know, thinking about it, I’m going to say no. The more I think about it, there are a few reasons I can’t resist. More tools in the arsenal is never a bad thing. Some of the sales are so good they shouldn’t be resisted because they’re a win-win. Supporting independent developers while building up my toolset is a great thing for everyone. Buying plugins and instruments helps ensure that more will be developed – and with the incredible stuff that’s been coming from these devs I can’t wait to see what the future holds.

Tonight I’ll be playing around with two things I picked up today – Spitfire Audio’s Intimate Grand Piano and Baby Audio’s Super VHS plugin. If I come up with anything interesting I’ll make another post here tonight 🙂

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